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Thursday, October 11, 2018

WoW! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ SYM แ€›ဲแ‚• ☑️ CCTV Special Promotion ☑️ แ€€ แ€”ာแ€™แ€Š္ေแ€€်ာ္ Prodoer CCTV แ€€แ€„္แ€™แ€›ာ แ€แ€…္แ€œံုးแ€€ို แ€šแ€แ€„္ 89, 000 Ks แ€€ေแ€” แ€šแ€ု 57, 000 Ks แ€•ဲ แ€›ွိေแ€ာ့แ€ာแ€›แ€š္၊ แแ€ แ€œံုးแ€šူแ€›แ€„္ แ แ€œံုး แ€œแ€€္ေแ€†ာแ€„္ေแ€•းေแ€”แ€ာแ€€ို แ€šူแ€ိုแ‚” แ€žိแ€•ါแ€žแ€œား ?

     WoW! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ  SYM แ€›ဲแ‚•  ☑️  CCTV Special Promotion ☑️ แ€€ แ€”ာแ€™แ€Š္ေแ€€်ာ္ Prodoer CCTV แ€€แ€„္แ€™แ€›ာ แ€แ€…္แ€œံုးแ€€ို แ€šแ€แ€„္ 89, 000  Ks แ€€ေแ€” แ€šแ€ု 57, 000 Ks แ€•ဲ แ€›ွိေแ€ာ့แ€ာแ€›แ€š္၊ แแ€ แ€œံုးแ€šူแ€›แ€„္ แ แ€œံုး แ€œแ€€္ေแ€†ာแ€„္ေแ€•းေแ€”แ€ာแ€€ို แ€šူแ€ိုแ‚” แ€žိแ€•ါแ€žแ€œား ?

✔️ High Resolution แ€™ွ แ‚€แ€€ိဳแ€€္แ€ာแ€œား ?
✔️ แ€Šแ€™ွာแ€œแ€Š္း แ€›ိုแ€€္แ€€ူးႏိုแ€„္แ€ဲ့ แ€กแ€‘ာแ€€်แ€€် แ€›ုแ€•္แ€‘ြแ€€္แพแ€€แ€Š္แ€ဲ့ Smart IR แ€”ဲแ‚”แ€™ွแ€œား ?
✔️ ေแ€”แ‚”ေแ€”แ‚” แ€Šแ€Š แ€€ာแ€œာแ€…ံုแ€…ံု แ€›ိုแ€€္แ€€ူးแ€်แ€„္แ€ာแ€œား ?
✔️ File Size แ€€ို แ€်ံဳแ‚•แ€်แ€„္แ€ာแ€œား ?
✔️ Noise แ€€ို ေแ€œ်ာ့แ€်แ€„္แ€ာแ€œား ?
✔️ ေแ€›แ€…ိုแ€ံ၊ แ€กแพแ€€แ€™္းแ€ံ แ€™ွแ€œား ?

แ€’ါแ€†ို แ€žแ€„့္ ေแ€”แ€กိแ€™္၊ แ€›ံုးแ€แ€”္း၊ แ€…แ€€္แ€›ံု แ€…แ€ဲ့ แ€•แ€္แ€แ€”္းแ€€်แ€„္แ€€ို แ€…ိแ€္แ€်แ€™ႈေแ€•းแ€…ြแ€™္းแ€™แ€š့္ แ€”แ€Š္းแ€•แ€Šာျแ€™แ€„့္ Prodoer แ€”ဲแ‚” SYM แ€›ဲแ‚•  WoW! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ  CCTV Special Promotion แ€€ာแ€œေแ€œးแ€™ွာ แ€แ€„္ႏႊဲแ€œိုแ€€္แ€›ေแ€กာแ€„္...
***Promotion แ€€ာแ€œแ€žแ€Š္ CCTV Instock ေแ€•แšแ€ြแ€„္ แ€™ူแ€แ€Š္แ€•ါแ€žแ€Š္။
***Prodoer CCTV แ€€ို Instock แ€›ွိแ€žေแ€›ြแ‚• แ€›แ€›ွိႏိုแ€„္แ€•ါแ€žแ€Š္။

PDI SB-10201 IP camera ๐Ÿ’ฏ

• 1/2.9" 2Megapixel progessive CMOS
•  H.264+ & H.265 dual-streaming encoding
•  25/30fps@1080P (1920x1080)
•  DWDR, Day/Night(ICR), 3NDR, AWB, AGC, BLC
•  Multiple network monitoring: Web viewer, CMS(DSS/PSS) & DMSS
•  3.6 mm fixed lens
•  Max IR LEDs Length 30m
•  IP67, IK10, Poe

แ€”ာแ€™แ€Š္ေแ€€်ာ္ Branded Model Series แ€กแ€™်ိဳးแ€™်ိဳးျแ€–แ€„့္ แ€กာแ€™แ€ံแ€်แ€€္ แ€กျแ€•แ€Š္แ‚”แ€กแ€ แ€แ€”္ေแ€†ာแ€„္แ€™ႈ ေแ€•းေแ€”แ€ာျแ€–แ€…္แ€œုိแ‚” CCTV & Network Engineering แ€•ိုแ€„္းแ€†ိုแ€„္แ€›ာ แ€แ€”္ေแ€†ာแ€„္แ€™ႈแ€™်ား แ€กแ€ြแ€€္  ☑️  S.Y.M CCTV & Network Engineering Group  ☑️ แ€€ို แ€ုแ€•ဲ แ€šံုแพแ€€แ€Š္ แ€…ိแ€္แ€်แ€…ြာ แ€†แ€€္แ€žြแ€š္แ€œုိแ€€္แ€•ါ..แ€™ိแ€္ေแ€†ြ !

 ๐Ÿ‘‰  Contact Us  ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
 ☑️ S.Y.M CCTV & Network Engineering Group  ☑️
 ☎️ 09-250701341 / 09-420634447 / 09-420634448
 ๐Ÿฃ แ€กแ€™ွแ€္ (แ†แ‚)၊ ေျแ€™แ€Šီแ€‘แ€•္၊ แ€„แ€™ိုးแ€›ိแ€•္(แแ€) แ€œแ€™္း၊ แ€žแ€ƒၤแ€”္းแ€€แฝြแ€”္း။

#cctv #specialpromotion #security #prodoer #safety #networkengineering #smarIR

[ Unicode ]
WoW! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ  SYM แ€›ဲ့  ☑️  CCTV Special Promotion ☑️ แ€€ แ€”ာแ€™แ€Š်แ€€ျော် Prodoer CCTV แ€€แ€„်แ€™แ€›ာ แ€แ€…်แ€œုံးแ€€ို แ€šแ€แ€„် 89, 000  Ks แ€€แ€”ေ แ€šแ€ု 57, 000 Ks แ€•ဲ แ€›ှိแ€ော့แ€ာแ€›แ€š်၊ แแ€ แ€œုံးแ€šူแ€›แ€„် แ แ€œုံး แ€œแ€€်แ€†ောแ€„်แ€•ေးแ€”ေแ€ာแ€€ို แ€šူแ€ို့ แ€žိแ€•ါแ€žแ€œား ?

✔️ High Resolution แ€™ှ แ€€ြိုแ€€်แ€ာแ€œား ?
✔️ แ€Šแ€™ှာแ€œแ€Š်း แ€›ိုแ€€်แ€€ူးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ဲ့ แ€กแ€‘ာแ€€ျแ€€ျ แ€›ုแ€•်แ€‘ွแ€€်แ€€ြแ€Š်แ€ဲ့ Smart IR แ€”ဲ့แ€™ှแ€œား ?
✔️ แ€”ေ့แ€”ေ့ แ€Šแ€Š แ€€ာแ€œာแ€…ုံแ€…ုံ แ€›ိုแ€€်แ€€ူးแ€ျแ€„်แ€ာแ€œား ?
✔️ File Size แ€€ို แ€ျုံ့แ€ျแ€„်แ€ာแ€œား ?
✔️ Noise แ€€ို แ€œျော့แ€ျแ€„်แ€ာแ€œား ?
✔️ แ€›ေแ€…ိုแ€ံ၊ แ€กแ€€ြแ€™်းแ€ံ แ€™ှแ€œား ?

แ€’ါแ€†ို แ€žแ€„့် แ€”ေแ€กိแ€™်၊ แ€›ုံးแ€แ€”်း၊ แ€…แ€€်แ€›ုံ แ€…แ€ဲ့ แ€•แ€်แ€แ€”်းแ€€ျแ€„်แ€€ို แ€…ိแ€်แ€ျแ€™ှုแ€•ေးแ€…ွแ€™်းแ€™แ€š့် แ€”แ€Š်းแ€•แ€Šာแ€™ြแ€„့် Prodoer แ€”ဲ့ SYM แ€›ဲ့  WoW! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ  CCTV Special Promotion แ€€ာแ€œแ€œေးแ€™ှာ แ€แ€„်แ€”ွှဲแ€œိုแ€€်แ€›แ€กောแ€„်
***Promotion แ€€ာแ€œแ€žแ€Š် CCTV Instock แ€•ေါ်แ€ွแ€„် แ€™ူแ€แ€Š်แ€•ါแ€žแ€Š်။
***Prodoer CCTV แ€€ို Instock แ€›ှိแ€žแ€›ွေ့ แ€›แ€›ှိแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါแ€žแ€Š်။

PDI SB-10201 IP camera ๐Ÿ’ฏ

• 1/2.9" 2Megapixel progessive CMOS
•  H.264+ & H.265 dual-streaming encoding
•  25/30fps@1080P (1920x1080)
•  DWDR, Day/Night(ICR), 3NDR, AWB, AGC, BLC
•  Multiple network monitoring: Web viewer, CMS(DSS/PSS) & DMSS
•  3.6 mm fixed lens
•  Max IR LEDs Length 30m
•  IP67, IK10, Poe

แ€”ာแ€™แ€Š်แ€€ျော် Branded Model Series แ€กแ€™ျိုးแ€™ျိုးแ€–ြแ€„့် แ€กာแ€™แ€ံแ€ျแ€€် แ€กแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€กแ€ แ€แ€”်แ€†ောแ€„်แ€™ှု แ€•ေးแ€”ေแ€ာแ€–ြแ€…်แ€œို့ CCTV & Network Engineering แ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€†ိုแ€„်แ€›ာ แ€แ€”်แ€†ောแ€„်แ€™ှုแ€™ျား แ€กแ€ွแ€€်  ☑️  S.Y.M CCTV & Network Engineering Group  ☑️ แ€€ို แ€ုแ€•ဲ แ€šုံแ€€ြแ€Š် แ€…ိแ€်แ€ျแ€…ွာ แ€†แ€€်แ€žွแ€š်แ€œိုแ€€်แ€•ါ..แ€™ိแ€်แ€†ွေ !

 ๐Ÿ‘‰  Contact Us  ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
 ☑️ S.Y.M CCTV & Network Engineering Group  ☑️
 ☎️ 09-250701341 / 09-420634447 / 09-420634448
 ๐Ÿฃ แ€กแ€™ှแ€် (แ†แ‚)၊ แ€™ြေแ€Šီแ€‘แ€•်၊ แ€„แ€™ိုးแ€›ိแ€•်(แแ€) แ€œแ€™်း၊ แ€žแ€„်္แ€ƒแ€”်းแ€€ျွแ€”်း။

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

POS Software Solution

POS Software Solution

  1. ေแ€†းแ€†ိုแ€„္แ€žံုးေแ€†ာ့แ€ဲ Pharmacy Software
  2. แ€œแ€€္แ€œီ/แ€œแ€€ၠားแ€†ိုแ€„္းแ€žံုးေแ€†ာ့แ€ဲ Watch Shop Wholesale & Retail Store Software
  3. แ€กแ€‘แ€Š္แ€်ဳแ€•္แ€†ိုแ€„္แ€žံုးေแ€†ာแ‚”แ€ဲ Garment Shop Software
  4. แ€›แ€แ€”ာแ€†ိုแ€„္แ€žံုးေแ€†ာแ‚”แ€ဲ Jewellery Shop Software
  5. แ€€ုแ€”္แ€…ံုแ€†ိုแ€„္แ€žံုးေแ€†ာแ‚”แ€ဲ Grocery Store Software
  6. แ€–ုแ€”္းแ€†ိုแ€„္แ€žံုးေแ€†ာแ‚”แ€ဲ Mobile Store Software
  7. แ€…ာแ€กုแ€•္แ€†ိုแ€„္แ€žံုးေแ€†ာแ‚”แ€ဲ Bookstore Software
  8. แ€–แ€”แ€•္แ€†ိုแ€„္แ€žံုးေแ€†ာแ‚”แ€ဲ Footwear Shop Software
  9. แ€•แ€›ိေแ€˜ာแ€‚แ€œแ€€္แ€œီေแ€†ာแ‚”แ€ဲ Furniture Retail Software
  10. แ€กိแ€™္ေแ€™ြးแ€ိแ€›แ€…แฆာแ€”္แ€œแ€€္แ€œီေแ€†ာแ‚”แ€ဲ Pet Store Retail Software

☑️ POS Software Packages ( 1 Year Pricing & Lifetime Pricing ) ☑️

☑️ POS Software Packages ( 1 Year Pricing & Lifetime Pricing ) ☑️
แ€œုแ€•္แ€„แ€”္းแ€”แ€š္แ€•แ€š္ แ€กแ€žီးแ€žီးแ€™ွာ ေแ€กာแ€„္ျแ€™แ€„္แ€™ႈေแ€ြแ€”ဲแ‚” ေแ€›ွแ‚•แ€†แ€€္แ€œွแ€™္းแ€်ီแ€–ိုแ‚” แ€‘ိေแ€›ာแ€€္แ€™ႈ แ€กแ€›ွိแ€†ံုး POS Software 1 Year แ€”ဲแ‚• Lifetime Packages ေแ€ြแ€€ို แ€™ိแ€္แ€†แ€€္ေแ€•းแ€•ါแ€›ေแ€…။
1 Year แ€”ဲแ‚” Lifetime Pricing แ‚ แ€ုแ€œံုးแ€กแ€ြแ€€္ Basic၊ Advanced၊ Premium Packages แ€กแ€žီးแ€žီး ႏွแ€…္แ€žแ€€္แ€›ာ ေแ€›ြးแ€်แ€š္ႏိုแ€„္แ€•ါแ€แ€š္။
POS แ€†ိုแ€ာ แ€€ုแ€”္แ€•แ€…แฅแ€Š္း แ€กแ€แ€„္แ€กแ€‘ြแ€€္ แ€‘ိแ€”္းแ€်ဳแ€•္ျแ€แ€„္း၊ Bill แ€ြแ€€္แ€်แ€€္ျแ€แ€„္း၊ ေแ€กာ္แ€’ါแ€™ွာျแ€แ€„္း แ€…แ€ဲ့ แ€œုแ€•္แ€„แ€”္းแ€™်ားแ€€ို แ€€ြแ€”္แ€•်ဴแ€ာ ျแ€–แ€„့္แ€žာแ€™แ€€ Mobile Phone၊ Tablet ျแ€–แ€„့္ แ€กแ€žံုးျแ€•ဳႏိုแ€„္ေแ€žာ แ€…แ€”แ€…္ျแ€–แ€…္แ€•ါแ€แ€š္။
- แ€œုแ€•္แ€„แ€”္းแ€”แ€š္แ€•แ€š္แ€กแ€žီးแ€žီးแ€กแ€ြแ€€္ แ€กแ€›ႈံးแ€กျแ€™แ€္ Report แ€™်ားแ€€ို ေแ€”แ‚”แ€…แ€ฅ္၊ แ€œแ€…แ€ฅ္၊ แ€กแ€•แ€္แ€…แ€ฅ္၊ ႏွแ€…္แ€…แ€ฅ္ แพแ€€แ€Š့္แ€›ႈႏိုแ€„္ျแ€แ€„္း
- แ€€ုแ€”္แ€•แ€…แฅแ€Š္းแ€…ာแ€›แ€„္းแ€€ို แ€œြแ€š္แ€€ူแ€…ြာ แ€‘ိแ€”္းแ€်ဳแ€•္ႏိုแ€„္ျแ€แ€„္း...
แ€กแ€…แ€›ွိแ€ဲ့ ေแ€€ာแ€„္းแ€€်ိဳးေแ€ြแ€”ဲแ‚” POS แ€Ÿာ แ€žံုးแ€…ြဲแ€žူแ€™်ားแ€€ို ေแ€กာแ€„္ေแ€กာแ€„္ျแ€™แ€„္ျแ€™แ€„္ Support ေแ€•းႏိုแ€„္แ€ဲ့แ€•ါแ€แ€š္။
๐Ÿ“Œ 1 Year Pricing
☑️ Basic Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Customize home screen with background images
- Subscription can be used for basic billing, accounting and stock management
- All reports including sales invoice with watermark user logo.
- 1 system licenses
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 40 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 40 ✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 80✔️
☑️ Advanced Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Included all features of Basic subscription
- Barcode scanner support (All types of barcode + QR Code + Weighing scale - - barcode auto detection of rate and quantity)
- Barcode label printing + Report/Sales bill template editing feature
- Bundle Offer Sales
- Dedicated email support+two time free
- Installed on 2 systems in same Local Area Network, Server should be registered and client should connect activated server.
- GST Extract feature
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 80 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 80 ✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 160 ✔️
☑️ Premium Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Included all features of advanced subscription.
- Remote branch sync with Dropbox
- Analytic Dashboard for advanced data analysis
- Report Scheduling and Monitoring
- Smart Email & SMS Notification feature
- Work Order and Job work tracking
- Managing Multiple Branches
- Import Purchased product to barcode label printing screen.
- 4 Time Free
- Installed on 3+ systems in same Local Area Network, Server should be registered and client should connect activated server.
- Restaurant order booking system plugin
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 130 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 130 ✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 260 ✔️
๐Ÿ“Œ Life Time Pricing
☑️ Basic Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Customize home screen with background images
- Subscription can be used for basic billing, accounting and stock management
- All reports including sales invoice with watermark user logo.
- 1 system licenses
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 250 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 100 ✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 350✔️
☑️ Advanced Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Included all features of Basic subscription
- Barcode scanner support (All types of barcode + QR Code + Weighing scale - barcode auto detection of rate and quantity)
- Barcode label printing + Report/Sales bill template editing feature
- Bundle Offer Sales
- Dedicated email support+two time free
- Installed on 2 systems in same Local Area Network, Server should be registered and client should connect activated server.
- GST Extract feature
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 400 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 300✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 700✔️
☑️ Premium Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Included all features of advanced subscription.
- Remote branch sync with Dropbox
- Analytic Dashboard for advanced data analysis
- Report Scheduling and Monitoring
- Smart Email & SMS Notification feature
- Work Order and Job work tracking
- Managing Multiple Branches
- Import Purchased product to barcode label printing screen.
- 4 Time Free
- Installed on 3+ systems in same Local Area Network, Server should be registered and client should connect activated server.
- Restaurant order booking system plugin
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 700 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 500 ✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 1200 ✔️
แ€€ဲ...POS แ€”ဲแ‚” แ€žแ€„့္ แ€œုแ€•္แ€„แ€”္းแ€€ို ျแ€™ွแ€„့္แ€แ€„္แ€œိုแ€€္แ€›ေแ€กာแ€„္ !!!
๐Ÿ‘‰ Contact Us ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
แ€กแ€›แ€Š္แ€กေแ€žြးျแ€•แ€Š္แ‚”แ€™ွီေแ€žာ แ€…แ€€္แ€•แ€…แฅแ€Š္းแ€™်ားแ€€ို แ€กာแ€™แ€ံแ€်แ€€္ แ€กျแ€•แ€Š္แ‚”แ€กแ€ျแ€–แ€„္แ‚” แ€แ€”္ေแ€†ာแ€„္ แ€™ႈ ေแ€•းေแ€”แ€ာျแ€–แ€…္แ€œုိแ‚” แ€œူแพแ€€ီးแ€™แ€„္းแ€ိုแ‚”แ€œုแ€•္แ€„แ€”္းแ€กแ€ြแ€€္ แ€œုိแ€กแ€•္ แ€žแ€Š္แ‚” CCTV & Network Engineering แ€•ိုแ€„္းแ€†ိုแ€„္แ€›ာ แ€แ€”္ေแ€†ာแ€„္แ€™ႈแ€™်ား แ€กแ€ြแ€€္ S.Y.M CCTV & Network Engineering Group แ€€ို แ€šံုแพแ€€แ€Š္ แ€…ိแ€္แ€်แ€…ြာ แ€†แ€€္แ€žြแ€š္แ€œုိแ€€္แ€•ါ..!
☑️ S.Y.M CCTV & Network Engineering Group ☑️
☎️ 09-250701341 / 09-420634447 / 09-420634448
๐Ÿฃ แ€กแ€™ွแ€္ (แ†แ‚)၊ ေျแ€™แ€Šီแ€‘แ€•္၊ แ€„แ€™ိုးแ€›ိแ€•္(แแ€) แ€œแ€™္း၊ แ€žแ€ƒၤแ€”္းแ€€แฝြแ€”္း။
#POSsoftware #1year_lifetime_packages #basic #advanced #premium #sale_service #networkengineering
[ Unicode ]
☑️ POS Software Packages ( 1 Year Pricing & Lifetime Pricing ) ☑️
แ€œုแ€•်แ€„แ€”်းแ€”แ€š်แ€•แ€š် แ€กแ€žီးแ€žီးแ€™ှာ แ€กောแ€„်แ€™ြแ€„်แ€™ှုแ€ွေแ€”ဲ့ แ€›ှေ့แ€†แ€€်แ€œှแ€™်းแ€ျီแ€–ို့ แ€‘ိแ€›ောแ€€်แ€™ှု แ€กแ€›ှိแ€†ုံး POS Software 1 Year แ€”ဲ့ Lifetime Packages แ€ွေแ€€ို แ€™ိแ€်แ€†แ€€်แ€•ေးแ€•ါแ€›แ€…ေ။
1 Year แ€”ဲ့ Lifetime Pricing แ‚ แ€ုแ€œုံးแ€กแ€ွแ€€် Basic၊ Advanced၊ Premium Packages แ€กแ€žီးแ€žီး แ€”ှแ€…်แ€žแ€€်แ€›ာ แ€›ွေးแ€ျแ€š်แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။
POS แ€†ိုแ€ာ แ€€ုแ€”်แ€•แ€…္แ€…แ€Š်း แ€กแ€แ€„်แ€กแ€‘ွแ€€် แ€‘ိแ€”်းแ€ျုแ€•်แ€ြแ€„်း၊ Bill แ€ွแ€€်แ€ျแ€€်แ€ြแ€„်း၊ แ€กော်แ€’ါแ€™ှာแ€ြแ€„်း แ€…แ€ဲ့ แ€œုแ€•်แ€„แ€”်းแ€™ျားแ€€ို แ€€ွแ€”်แ€•ျူแ€ာ แ€–ြแ€„့်แ€žာแ€™แ€€ Mobile Phone၊ Tablet แ€–ြแ€„့် แ€กแ€žုံးแ€•ြုแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€žော แ€…แ€”แ€…်แ€–ြแ€…်แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။
- แ€œုแ€•်แ€„แ€”်းแ€”แ€š်แ€•แ€š်แ€กแ€žီးแ€žီးแ€กแ€ွแ€€် แ€กแ€›ှုံးแ€กแ€™ြแ€် Report แ€™ျားแ€€ို แ€”ေ့แ€…แ€‰်၊ แ€œแ€…แ€‰်၊ แ€กแ€•แ€်แ€…แ€‰်၊ แ€”ှแ€…်แ€…แ€‰် แ€€ြแ€Š့်แ€›ှုแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ြแ€„်း
- แ€€ုแ€”်แ€•แ€…္แ€…แ€Š်းแ€…ာแ€›แ€„်းแ€€ို แ€œွแ€š်แ€€ူแ€…ွာ แ€‘ိแ€”်းแ€ျုแ€•်แ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ြแ€„်း...
แ€กแ€…แ€›ှိแ€ဲ့ แ€€ောแ€„်းแ€€ျိုးแ€ွေแ€”ဲ့ POS แ€Ÿာ แ€žုံးแ€…ွဲแ€žူแ€™ျားแ€€ို แ€กောแ€„်แ€กောแ€„်แ€™ြแ€„်แ€™ြแ€„် Support แ€•ေးแ€”ိုแ€„်แ€ဲ့แ€•ါแ€แ€š်။
๐Ÿ“Œ 1 Year Pricing
☑️ Basic Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Customize home screen with background images
- Subscription can be used for basic billing, accounting and stock management
- All reports including sales invoice with watermark user logo.
- 1 system licenses
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 40 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 40 ✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 80✔️
☑️ Advanced Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Included all features of Basic subscription
- Barcode scanner support (All types of barcode + QR Code + Weighing scale - - barcode auto detection of rate and quantity)
- Barcode label printing + Report/Sales bill template editing feature
- Bundle Offer Sales
- Dedicated email support+two time free
- Installed on 2 systems in same Local Area Network, Server should be registered and client should connect activated server.
- GST Extract feature
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 80 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 80 ✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 160 ✔️
☑️ Premium Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Included all features of advanced subscription.
- Remote branch sync with Dropbox
- Analytic Dashboard for advanced data analysis
- Report Scheduling and Monitoring
- Smart Email & SMS Notification feature
- Work Order and Job work tracking
- Managing Multiple Branches
- Import Purchased product to barcode label printing screen.
- 4 Time Free
- Installed on 3+ systems in same Local Area Network, Server should be registered and client should connect activated server.
- Restaurant order booking system plugin
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 130 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 130 ✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 260 ✔️
๐Ÿ“Œ Life Time Pricing
☑️ Basic Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Customize home screen with background images
- Subscription can be used for basic billing, accounting and stock management
- All reports including sales invoice with watermark user logo.
- 1 system licenses
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 250 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 100 ✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 350✔️
☑️ Advanced Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Included all features of Basic subscription
- Barcode scanner support (All types of barcode + QR Code + Weighing scale - barcode auto detection of rate and quantity)
- Barcode label printing + Report/Sales bill template editing feature
- Bundle Offer Sales
- Dedicated email support+two time free
- Installed on 2 systems in same Local Area Network, Server should be registered and client should connect activated server.
- GST Extract feature
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 400 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 300✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 700✔️
☑️ Premium Package ☑️
Specification ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- Included all features of advanced subscription.
- Remote branch sync with Dropbox
- Analytic Dashboard for advanced data analysis
- Report Scheduling and Monitoring
- Smart Email & SMS Notification feature
- Work Order and Job work tracking
- Managing Multiple Branches
- Import Purchased product to barcode label printing screen.
- 4 Time Free
- Installed on 3+ systems in same Local Area Network, Server should be registered and client should connect activated server.
- Restaurant order booking system plugin
Software - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 700 ✔️
Training - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 500 ✔️
Total amount - ๐Ÿ’ฐ 1200 ✔️
แ€€ဲ...POS แ€”ဲ့ แ€žแ€„့် แ€œုแ€•်แ€„แ€”်းแ€€ို แ€™ြှแ€„့်แ€แ€„်แ€œိုแ€€်แ€›แ€กောแ€„် !!!
๐Ÿ‘‰ Contact Us ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
แ€กแ€›แ€Š်แ€กแ€žွေးแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€™ှီแ€žော แ€…แ€€်แ€•แ€…္แ€…แ€Š်းแ€™ျားแ€€ို แ€กာแ€™แ€ံแ€ျแ€€် แ€กแ€•ြแ€Š့်แ€กแ€แ€–ြแ€„့် แ€แ€”်แ€†ောแ€„် แ€™ှု แ€•ေးแ€”ေแ€ာแ€–ြแ€…်แ€œို့ แ€œူแ€€ြီးแ€™แ€„်းแ€ို့แ€œုแ€•်แ€„แ€”်းแ€กแ€ွแ€€် แ€œိုแ€กแ€•် แ€žแ€Š့် CCTV & Network Engineering แ€•ိုแ€„်းแ€†ိုแ€„်แ€›ာ แ€แ€”်แ€†ောแ€„်แ€™ှုแ€™ျား แ€กแ€ွแ€€် S.Y.M CCTV & Network Engineering Group แ€€ို แ€šုံแ€€ြแ€Š် แ€…ိแ€်แ€ျแ€…ွာ แ€†แ€€်แ€žွแ€š်แ€œိုแ€€်แ€•ါ..!
☑️ S.Y.M CCTV & Network Engineering Group ☑️
☎️ 09-250701341 / 09-420634447 / 09-420634448
๐Ÿฃ แ€กแ€™ှแ€် (แ†แ‚)၊ แ€™ြေแ€Šီแ€‘แ€•်၊ แ€„แ€™ိုးแ€›ိแ€•်(แแ€) แ€œแ€™်း၊ แ€žแ€„်္แ€ƒแ€”်းแ€€ျွแ€”်း။